Advanced Requests policy.

Thank you for thinking of Gather Flora to help you source your next flower order!


Our network of farms are at the ready to receive requests from us each week. In terms of timeline we target:

Within 10 days: you will receive a confirmation that we have given the initial review on your request with updates on the likelihood of each product requested.

2 weeks out: An update that we’re getting ready to source for you with last minute call for edits.

1 week out on the nearest Thursday: Final confirmation on what we were able to source for you, an invoice sent, and any additional pick up information.

Confirmation Policy:
Advanced requests must be made at least 5 calendar days in advance. The final confirmation will come the Thursday a week prior to pick up. An invoice will be sent to you within 5 days of confirming your request. Due to natural variability, requests are not considered complete until confirmation and they are not considered finalized until time of fulfillment. If we are able to fulfill your request, you may pick up from our San Francisco Flower Market or Southern California Flower Market stall, and we will follow up with a payable invoice.

Cancellation and Exchange Policies:
Our farms harvest specifically for each order and are paid out accordingly upon harvest, so we are unable to accommodate cancellations or exchanges except in the event of misrepresented or poor quality product. Thank you for understanding. We do allow additions from the sales floor.